“I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full” John 10:10
Re-Imaging Formation for Religious Life for the Future
The Ursuline formation directors from the DRCongo and India met in Brussels from Mar 5-11, 2019. Sisters who came from the DRCongo: Madeleine Bageni and Casta Nsengiyumva. Sisters who came from India: Florencia Samad, Dorothea Kullu, Grace Kullu, Kumudini Tirkey, Mridula Khalkho
The gathering focused on Consecrated Life today and its implications for the Congregation as well as new members joining the Congregation. This extraordinary program featured a rich diversity of topics, experiences, insights, expertise and knowledge. The sisters shared prayer, meal conversations, and informal chats during free time. The participants had the opportunity to learn from and dialogue with each other with the accompaniment of Sr. Margaret O’Brien of the US Province who facilitated the gathering.
Brother Reginald Cruz, CFX, addressed the group challenging them to look at consecrated life in the context of the Church’s document “New Wine in New Wineskins”. The major source of the Document comes from the Plenary Session of the Dicastery during 27-30 November 2014 on the theme: “New Wine in New Wineskins: Consecrated Life 50 years after Lumen Gentium and Pefectae Caritatis.” The document offers proposals for the future (Faithfulness, Formative models, Formation of the formators, Multicultural dimensions, Service of Authority).
One day the Sisters went on a pilgrimage to Tildonk visiting their Ursuline heritage and studying the charisms of the Founder Father John Lambertz. By the end of the Programme the sisters felt renewed to return home and begin to live what they had experienced together. They look forward to the challenges ahead and ask your prayers for the integration of the outcomes of the programme.
Srs. Margaret O’Brien and Bernadette Mwavita
Srs. Margaret O’Brien and Bernadette Mwavita