“I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full” John 10:10

Informal education :Illiteracy prevention, Protection of vulnerable women and children, Community integration, Community rehabilitation, Justice and peace. United Nations.

As Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk, deeply concerned about all that affects the people we serve, we are familiar with human suffering going on in our contemporary society: illiteracy, poverty, refugees, those persecuted for their views of faith, violation of their rights, lack of social assistance, injustice, child labor and abuse of women, forced marriage and street children phenomenon.

We respond to the sufferings of our society by giving prophetic witness in promoting human rights, stressing the well-being of families, women and children (Constitutions p.6-7).

Literacy training.

Home Care.

Protection of vulnerable women.

Community integration.

Justice and peace.