“I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full” John 10:10

Congratulations and Best Wishes to the new Provincial Leadership Team 2024.
Leadership Team (Belgian Region): Sr. Lea Cools (Regional Animator), Sr. Hildegarde Verherstraeten (Councillor), Sr. Rita Moens (Councillor), Sr. Celestina Lakra (Councillor).
Leadership Team (Belgian Region): Sr. Lea Cools (Regional Animator), Sr. Hildegarde Verherstraeten (Councillor), Sr. Rita Moens (Councillor), Sr. Celestina Lakra (Councillor).

The Congregation of Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk was founded in Tildonk, Belgium by Rev. John Cornelius Martinus Lambertz, Parish Priest of Tildonk on April 30th.1818 to respond to the educational needs of children in Tildonk that had been badly neglected due to successive wars.
The Spirit of Father John Lambertz attracted so many young women that at his death 1869, the number of sisters in Belgium was 900 serving 9000 students and located in 40 different houses. Sisters went from Belgium for mission to other countries.

Just like a burning candle, that gives light and disappears, Sisters in Belgium have decreased in number. Today 53 Sisters are living in 8 communities located in 2 Provinces. Along with 10 Associate Members, Sisters support the mission all over the world through prayer and pastoral service so that all may have life and have it to the full. (Jn 10, 10).
BELGIUM - Province of Antwerp.
Borgerhout - Hoogstaten - Lier, Puurs - Scherpenheuvel
BELGIUM - Flemish Brabant.
Melsbroek - Ternat - Tildonk
Associate members :
Brugge - Leerbeek - Strombeek - Bever - Ternat - Dilbeek - Lombeek - Lubbeek - Gent - La Roche-en - Ardenne.