“I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full” John 10:10
OUR FOUNDER: Fr. John Cornelius Martin Lambertz
Fr. John Lambertz is depicted here praying to Our Lady. The stained glass window is in the Tildonk Church in Belgium.

John was born during the French Revolution, which began in France in 1789. It had serious consequences for religious men and women and for the Church in Belgium and in the Netherlands. Many churches were closed, most of the convents were plundered and destroyed, and religious and priests were persecuted. He was born in Hoogstraeten, Belgium on February 8th, 1785. The eighth of nine children. During his childhood, he experienced the effects of the French Revolution, such as people attending Mass secretly.

At 24 years of age he was engaged to a young lady. Soon John’s fiancée changed her mind and made up her mind to enter a convent after she felt a call from God. John Lambertz entered the seminary in Malines on May 25, 1810, at the age of twenty-five. John was noted for his good temper, great kindness, self forgetfulness and spirit of prayer. He spent extra time allowed for walks and relaxation in the college chapel, where before the Blessed Sacrament, he found refreshment and rest.

In March 1812 the young priest was assigned to the parish in Tildonk, a small village north east of Brussels. Tildonk lies close to the beautiful estate of Wespelaer. Its parish church dates from the fifteenth century. It was damaged by fire in 1630 and was restored to the taste of the period, a combination of Gothic and Renaissance. Lambertz bought a beautiful carved oak pulpit for a franc and set it up in his church.

Lambertz spent hours before the Tabernacle. Our Blessed Lady was still his mother and her rosary was still a power.
He would love these souls placed in his care, he would ignore any hostility. He began by attracting the young boys and girls of the village who were Catholic in name but not in practice. The young curate saw a changed Tildonk in a few years.
On Sundays the Church was filled; The people followed his sermons and instructions. Parishioners came to Mass every day and received the sacraments.
In September 1815 Curate Lambertz was canonically installed as the pastor of the Tildonk Church, St. John the Baptist Church in Tildonk.The church was filled for the ceremony.
The one fixed notion of Curate Lambertz was always in evidence:
He would love these souls placed in his care, he would ignore any hostility. He began by attracting the young boys and girls of the village who were Catholic in name but not in practice. The young curate saw a changed Tildonk in a few years.
On Sundays the Church was filled; The people followed his sermons and instructions. Parishioners came to Mass every day and received the sacraments.
In September 1815 Curate Lambertz was canonically installed as the pastor of the Tildonk Church, St. John the Baptist Church in Tildonk.The church was filled for the ceremony.
The one fixed notion of Curate Lambertz was always in evidence:
"He nothing-God all. He the instrument – God the Worker"

Pastor Lambertz wanted to put up a school, for the village had no school. He had no building, no teachers, no funds but he had the Tabernacle and he had the rosary and on these he could depend entirely.
At last there was a possibility that his children would be taught and instructed in their religion and trained as good Catholics.
At last there was a possibility that his children would be taught and instructed in their religion and trained as good Catholics.
"Inspired by the life and charism of Angela Merici, foundress of the Ursuline tradition, and of our founder, John Lambertz, we the Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk are committed to the mission of the universal church."