“I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full” John 10:10
Until, 1969 the Congregation of Tildonk was governed by a General Superior of the Belgian group of local communities. In the overseas countries she was represented by a Vicar who as her delegate, participated in the authority of the General Superior. During the General Chapter of 1989 the Praesidium was established as a new form of General Government. The Praesidium consisted of the four Regional Superiors of Belgium, Canada, India, and the United States, their assistants, and a representative of Zaire. From 1969 to 1974 the General Superior elected at the General Chapter of 1968 presided over the collegial Praesidium. From 1974 to 1978 the Praesidium elected its own President.
The Government of the congregation by the Praesidium {1969 - 1978} which met once a year fostered unity and internationality on the level of the congregation and a great deal of autonomy and diversity on the part of the various Regions. Nevertheless the General Chapter of 1978 saw the necessity of establishing a General Government with central authority for the overall governing of the congregation.
Accordingly it chose a General Superior and two assistants as its new form of Congregational Government. For the first time in its history the Congregation of Tildonk had an international General Government. Composed of members from various Provinces, the General Government was conceived as the ordinary overall governing body of the congregation and seperate from all provincial governments.
With a view to fostering the internationality of the congregation as well as because of its presence in many dioceses throughout the world, the General Chapter of 1978 decreed that the Congregation of Tildonk follow the norms of the Universal Church by applying to the Holy See for Pontifical Status.
On October 18th, 1982 the Ursuline Congregation of Tildonk was granted Pontifical Status by the Holy See. Its General Constitutions and Directives. FULLNESS IN THE LIFE OF CHRIST, were given approval by the Sacred Congregation for Religious and Secular Institutes on September 15, 1983, the feast of Our Lady of Seven Sorrows, who is honoured as Queen and mother of the Congregation of Tildonk.
Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk Generalate, Rue Musin 1, 1210 Bruxelles
House Number - 02 218 53 46
International Number - +32 (0) 2 218 53 46
Fax - +32 (0) 2 223 13 79
International Number - +32 (0) 2 218 53 46
Fax - +32 (0) 2 223 13 79