“I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full” John 10:10
Artist Sister Ignatius De Ridder from Winnipeg, Canada, designed our symbol worn by the members of the Tildonk Ursulines. “That they may all be one; even as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that you sent me.” Jn 17:21

Symbol worn by all professed OSU members.

Through our Congregational symbol we give witness to our religious consecration as Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk. Our symbol is a simple and visible reminder of the Charism and Mission which we receive from our mother, St. Angela and our founder, Fr. John Lambertz.
OSU Symbol - Design
U... reminds us of St. Ursula, virgin and martyr, whose name Angela Merici with great simplicity and humility, gave to all her spiritual daughters.T... symbolises the cross which unites us to Jesus Christ in his total self-offering. United to Him we acquire the spirit of joyful readiness to be sent to do God's will. By it we are reminded that we are called as Ursulines, to a way of life in which contemplation and action are perfectly blended.T...also signifies Tildonk, a small village in Belgium where our congregation began... where John Lambertz, a simple priest with enduring faith in God's Providence founded our Congregation in response to the need of the local church.
OSU Symbol - Text
UT unum sint: these words of Jesus assure us that through the bond of deep faith which unites us as Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk, we receive the courage and strength to go forth with joy in our mission of making God known and loved...of drawing all things together in and through Jusus Christ. We are called, in every age and wherever we are sent forth, to give prophetic witness above all to that oneness of mind and heart which is to the call and legacy of Angela Merici and of John Lambertz to our congregation.